Eco-friendly sex toys for sustainable sex. High quality toys from small and local manufacturers ─ produced and traded fairly and with feminist values.
What is Fair-Toy?
FairToy offers sex toys produced and traded under fair and environmentally-friendly conditions as an alternative to fast-fucking. Great design and health-compatible materials are a given with our toys. Each one is tried and tested to be sure of its function and durability. All of the regional manufacturers are known to us personally, many are from the community and/or are run by women*. (All of them have received and signed an ecological criteria sheet from us and that means they've got our Fuck-Print seal of approval).
Some toys were developed by Laura Méritt and are made especially for us.
Who is behind Fair-Toy?
Dr. Laura Méritt is a pioneer of the sex-positive feminist movement, a sought-after expert on sex and the pleasurable transfer of knowledge with numerous publications and one of the first sex-toy dealers in Europe. Politically & progressively she continues to work tirelessly for a positive change in erotic culture. FairToy is the latest project in her 30 years of educational enterprise in the service of the sexual well-being of all sexes and genders ─ only the best!
Recently we launched a label for ethical, feminist erotic films as part of the "PorYes" award founded by Laura Méritt. This label is based on a catalogue of criteria which demands nothing less than a revolution of the porn film market. Following on from this, we’ve just launched our latest catalogue of criteria to deal with fair sex toys ─ fair for all involved, from production to their lustful use. The selection of the best products can be found here
Why does Fair-Toy exist?
Nowadays sex toys are lifestyle products with positive connotations and are meant to serve the lust of all sexes and genders ─ this is above all a result of the women's movement. Long gone are the days of the "electric husbands" from the dirty little shop. The spread of knowledge about sexual anatomy and the focus on female* lust have arrived in the mainstream and have conquered the public space; terms like "toy" and "dildo" have gained acceptance. And an entire industry has adopted toys in "women-compatible" shapes, colours and designs.
But this also leads to an unmanageable jungle of offers, in which profit optimization takes priority over everything else. What use is a great design if the dildo is mixed with stinking and harmful softener? How much joy does a cheap vibrator radiate if its battery quickly becomes exhausted forever? In the end, who suffers as a result of the price war that demands mass production under anything but fair working conditions?
We want to create awareness for these issues and do things differently. Like many of our producers, we have been doing educational work for decades and deliberately support small manufacturers with high standards. It is not just about selling sexuality as a means of consumption. Knowledge about sex toys also serves to help you get to know your own body better and supports you to self-empowerment. And don't forget: Knowledge makes you sexy!
Criteria for Fair-Toy
This makes a sex toy into a FairToy:
* Fair production conditions
The heart of FairToy. Here you will only find toys that have been manufactured under fair and social conditions for all employees. We support small manufacturers with a maximum of 20 employees, who guarantee all employees and temporary workers a minimum or subsistence hourly wage as well as paid holidays and freedom of association with trade unions.
We are breaking out of the turbo-capitalist logic in which these basic working conditions have long since ceased to be a given. With us there are no dumping prices, no quantity discounts and no extensive stock-keeping, which make products generally more expensive and at the same time leads to the sale of leftovers. Instead, we often offer custom-made products that fulfil special wishes, but can also take time. Nearly all manufacturers belong to the community and/or are in sex-positive hands.
* Environmentally friendly production
Our sex toys are manufactured with reduced emissions. The silicone used for the dildos does not contain any softeners. All vibrators are rechargeable, we do not use resource-wasting and failure-prone battery drives. This environmental compatibility also includes a long durability: all our toys are proven and tested in function and long-term use. With us there is no sex & hop!
* Healthy materials
Healthy materials and sexual health are inseparable. For unlimited fun, all materials used are medically tested, skin-friendly and non-allergenic. Lubricants contain no silicone, no preservatives and no other additives such as glycerine, flavours and colour additives. Textiles are made of organic*wool or certified materials. All toys and articles are vegan, the only exception being leather belts.
* Waste avoidance with packing and dispatch
Packaging reduction starts with our delivery and ends with the packages sent out to you. Our toys are not individually wrapped in elaborate plastic bubbles. Instead, for example, our dildos are so robust that they are dishwasher-safe or can even be boiled for a short amount of time, which means you can guarantee their hygiene. Our manufacturers send us handmade individual pieces or small batches. We also use recycled packaging material and, of course, green electricity.
* Regional production: think global, fuck local!
Our toys are produced as regionally as possible. Most of them are Made In Germany or else Made in Europe. Exceptions confirm the rule: if products are particularly innovative and unique, they may very occasionally come from overseas. We are co-founders and have been an integral part of a European, sex-positive, feminist network for 30 years. We are proud of the fact that sex toys today do not have to come either from Asian cheap production or from the USA, which was the toy pioneer for a long time.
* Gender-neutral names
We relish giving all our FairToys names that cannot be assigned to any gender so as to break up traditional role descriptions. In this way we look to expand the range of sexual possibilities into infinitely playful dimensions.
* short, concise factual information
We focus on sexual creativity and offer hard facts: Material, length, height, width, diameter.
With this we reduce the redundant 'bestseller' rhetoric that promises orgasms from heaven, exploding waves of lust or extremely exciting stimulation caused by each and every wave, bend and curvature of a toy.
* Captions:
Manufacture size: up to 5P., up to 20P, up to 50
Production: regional / Made in Germany /Europe / Overseas
Community: Women* / Lesbians*/ Trans* / Queer*/ BDSM*
With this in mind: Have fun and Viva la Vulva!
Alternatives to Fast-Fucking and environmental destruction